Les Demoiselles d'Avignon
(Many ladies of the night, ghosts of the past and durée of the night, male and female)
Oil and Acrylic on Found Objects
This Sculpture is a response to Picasso's famous painting Les Demoiselles d'Avignon. It deconstructs bearded critics, previous interpretations of the work which is said to represent the seedy world of brothels and prostitution in early 20th century Paris.
The piece shows both male and female characteristics and can also be used as a functional object, hang coats and deposit umbrellas and screen what is happening behind.
The Fallen
(and the distinction between force and violence)
Oil and Acrylic on Board
This painting shows mankind (represented by the collapsed triangular steeple like structure) fallen at the foot of the bureaucrats (the line of figures to the left).
The small seated figure at the right of the painting is an old man, worn out by life, contemplating both the sinister line of figures opposite and the green faced character, symbolic of oppressed humanity, in the bottom left. The curved line in the Central area of the painting represents a beach with the tide in a state of flux.
Explosion of Angels
Oil and Acrylic on Board
This painting is a 'cartoon' or working sketch for a proposed sculptural work. It shows landmarks from the village of Epworth including the church and drinking fountain.
Five joyous angels surround the drinking fountain, while crowds on the right look on. Other symbols in this painting include the last supper (dripping blue paint), noughts and crosses (representing an endless game) and a white chalk embryo.
Snowboarders in a Rainbow
(Rachel, you only see the colour purple)
Oil and Acrylic on Board
This painting has been influenced by 'colour field' paintings the artist saw on a visit to the Guggenheim Museum, Berlin.
Vague forms in the background are overwhelmed by an array of dripped colour. This painting was inspired by a snowboarding trip and the statement "Rachel, you only see the colour purple" (meaning, all you want to do is party).
Cash Control of a Restricted Traveller
(Rolling Prison)
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